E3 09: OPM UK interviews the producer of James Cameron’s Avatar (James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game)

June 5, 2009

Watching things in 3D has never been that successful, has it? Whether it’s cringing at a corny shark in Jaws 3D or playing Nintendo’s ill-fated Virtual Boy until developing a migraine, no one’s quite cracked the technology yet. But, as our friends at OPM UK are finding out, that could well change with the release of James Cameron’s Avatar. The game based on the sci-fi epic is being rendered in true 3D – without the need for dodgy red and green specs. Watch below, as Avatar’s executive producer, Patrick Naud, tells OPM why the tech Ubisoft are using could revolutionise gaming.

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E3 09: OPM UK interviews the producer of James Cameron’s Avatar (James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game)

June 5, 2009

Watching things in 3D has never been that successful, has it? Whether it’s cringing at a corny shark in Jaws 3D or playing Nintendo’s ill-fated Virtual Boy until developing a migraine, no one’s quite cracked the technology yet. But, as our friends at OPM UK are finding out, that could well change with the release of James Cameron’s Avatar. The game based on the sci-fi epic is being rendered in true 3D – without the need for dodgy red and green specs. Watch below, as Avatar’s executive producer, Patrick Naud, tells OPM why the tech Ubisoft are using could revolutionise gaming.

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E3 09: OPM UK interviews the producer of James Cameron’s Avatar (James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game)

June 5, 2009

Watching things in 3D has never been that successful, has it? Whether it’s cringing at a corny shark in Jaws 3D or playing Nintendo’s ill-fated Virtual Boy until developing a migraine, no one’s quite cracked the technology yet. But, as our friends at OPM UK are finding out, that could well change with the release of James Cameron’s Avatar. The game based on the sci-fi epic is being rendered in true 3D – without the need for dodgy red and green specs. Watch below, as Avatar’s executive producer, Patrick Naud, tells OPM why the tech Ubisoft are using could revolutionise gaming.

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